Meet with us Wednesdays during Lent from 6:30 to 8pm. Everyone is welcome, the group is open to anyone interested in observing the Lenten season – those who have little knowledge of the traditions and also seasoned observers.
Lent is the 40 day season of reflection and preparation for the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is a time of repentance, considering Christ’s sufferings, and rethinking how we are called to take up our own cross.
The Lenten season starts on March 5th, Ash Wednesday. On that evening we will have Scripture and prayer readings, time for prayer individually and corporately, and a brief discussion on the meaning of Lent and how to observe it (ie fasting).
The following Wednesday evening meetings will be a time to support one another in our observance of Lent and preparing for the joy of Easter. There will be discussion about the history and traditions of Lent, as well as ideas and encouragement for those who wish to observe Lent. There are many good devotional books on Lent available; we will often refer to the book: The Good of Giving Up: Discovering the Freedom of Lent by Aaron Damiani.