Our Team

James Lunn
James Lunn
Lead Pastor

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James joined the Northview staff in 2020. He grew up in the Seattle area, and has served as a missionary across South Africa and Asia, church planting, training pastors and serving with YWAM for over 20 years. He has a business degree from the University of Washington and a Masters degree in Leadership and Spiritual Formation. James, his wife Sarah and their three young boys live in the Everett area.

Shannon Fallon
Shannon Fallon
Executive Pastor

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Shannon has attended Northview since 2003. He joined the staff in 2005, serving for 10 years as the Children’s Pastor, and since then as the Executive Pastor.  Shannon and his wife Lisa married in 1995 and have four adult sons.

Esther Marston
Esther Marston
Worship Ministry

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Esther joined the Northview team in 2019 and has been serving in worship ministry for 20 years. She graduated from Mid America Nazarene University with a BA in Music and a minor in Biblical Studies. Esther and her husband Brian have been married since 2007 and are currently learning to parent two teenagers, music brings them all together. Esther is passionate about Jesus, the outdoors and strives to live a life that brings glory and worship to the King of the universe.

Zeb Fenimore
Zeb Fenimore
Youth Ministry

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Zeb has been at Northview since 2010. He grew up in the youth group and became a regular attender of the church in 2014. He spent two years at Ecola Bible College to which he largely attributes his growth in Christ. In 2017 he joined the staff as the Middle School Director and became the Youth Ministry Director in 2022. As he says, this is the capacity to which he has chosen “to fulfill God’s command, ‘love your neighbor.’”

Cooper Fallon
Cooper Fallon
Kids Ministry

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Cooper has been at Northview since birth and through the church has recognized the beauty of following Jesus. He began the internship program at Northview in 2022 and started serving in Kids ministry, fully experiencing the ministry role. He was hired on full time in 2024 and is continuing to learn and grow in this position. Cooper and his wife Alexis live in Snohomish with their cat Guambo.

Margaret Smith
Margaret Smith
Administrative Assistant

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Margaret has worked in the Northview office since 2009 doing graphic design and making sure that all the behind the scenes activities at Northview run smoothly.  She and her family came to Northview in 2004 and she has served in various ministry roles throughout the years. She currently heads up Women’s Ministry along with Sarah Lunn. Margaret and her husband Andy have two adult children.

George Epie
Outreach Director

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George took on this role in 2024, coordinating our Street Ministry and finding other ways we can connect with and support our community.

Colton Fallon
Colton Fallon
Youth Ministry Intern

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Colton has been attending Northview since 2003. He has always had a deep love and passion for caring for others. He sought to deepen his faith by joining the Youth Internship in 2024 and attending South African Theological Seminary. Colton is excited to continue his faith walk and discover the Lord’s plans for him.

Questions? Reach out to us at frontdesk@nview.org