Women's Ministry

Encouraging women to grow in their faith, use their gifts and support and serve each other
Bible Studies

Enrich your understanding and gather in a nurturing environment to study God’s Word.

Groups meet on various days and evenings throughout the week. Click below to see current daytime studies or contact frontdesk@nview.org to find a group that works for you.


Women’s Retreat is a great time of growing, connecting and relaxing at Cedar Springs Christian Retreat Center.

Next year’s retreat is scheduled for May 16-18, 2025! Look for more info and registration details in the spring.

Click here to see pics from past retreats!

Special Events
Special Events

Community is important! Throughout the year we plan events to bring women together – including walks, craft nights, Bunco, brunches and more!  Check our Upcoming Events section for specific details.

And if  you have an idea for an event – contact us!


Upcoming Events

Check back soon for more event info!

Questions? Reach out to Sarah Lunn or Margaret Smith at frontdesk@nview.org